Monday, April 14, 2008

Great Contest at Jon's Blog!!!

Happy Monday everyone! I don't know if everyone who comes to my site also checks out Jon' I wanted to post a link to his today...

He recently put up information for a raffle contest, and the winner and 2nd prize will both get FREE GRANITE for a kitchen or bathroom!!! I think this is an awesome prize!

The best part of the raffle is that the proceeds benefit the MEG INGRAM Memorial Scholarship Fund. I didn't personally know Meg, but many of my friends did and I've heard many things about the passion and life of this young lady.

Here are some links you can go to and read what others have written about her...

Summer Lights Celebration 2007 in honor of fighting Meg
Garden of Hope--Intergraph
Mike the Eyeguy--Blog Roll on, Sweet Meg
Third Saturday in Blogtober--Blog Meg loses her fight

Anyways...if you are interested in participating in the raffle, or just donating to the scholarship fund, get the contact info over at Jon's place!

Have a great day! :)

1 comment:

Charlie Blockhead said...

This looks pretty cool. Thanks for the heads-up.